Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Unfor­tu­n­at­ley, I can­not see you for a long time due to the Coro­na-cri­sis. I am very much preoc­cu­pied with this topic and try to find a way to be at your dis­po­sal — also in the­se days of the crisis.

The virus has chan­ged ever­y­thing. Covid-19 turns the who­le world upsi­de down, glo­bal­ly but also indi­vi­dual­ly, not only me but cer­tain­ly you as well.

You remem­ber my latest blog: in the inter­view with Wolf­gang Falk­ner of the Natur­kos­me­tik Camp I said that I like change.

Of cour­se this does not refer to the cur­rent chan­ges which I do not like in the least. I would like to tre­at you in my cos­metic stu­dio, I would like to spoil you in the plea­sant atmo­s­phe­re of the stu­dio, I would like offer you an oasis of com­fort. This is not pos­si­ble due to the new Covid-19 regu­la­ti­on as of 13 March, 2020.This law pro­hi­bits that which we beauti­ci­ans and beau­ty the­ra­pists like doing, i.e.pampering and tou­ching other people.

We do not know yet for how long this regu­la­ti­on will be valid.

Howe­ver, for the time being I am avail­ab­le for you:

for con­sul­ta­ti­ons on the phone

with my products

Plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to con­tact me.

Your next post office part­ner is around the cor­ner! I have dis­co­ve­r­ed a new pas­si­on which is to crea­te par­cels! I am loo­king for­ward to your call and/or your order by e-mail or by pho­ne. I am loo­king for­ward to arran­ging your per­so­nal beau­ty package.