Data Privacy Statement

I am hap­py to wel­co­me you to my spa and I am hap­py that you visit my home­page. Thank you for your inte­rest. 

In the fol­lo­wing I inform you how I deal with your per­so­nal data I recei­ve from you, i.e. data with which you can be identified.

Accord­ing to he data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­on, I am the per­son respon­si­ble for the data processing:
Chris­tia­ne Eder, Rie­mer­gas­se 11/6, 1010 Wien, Österreich,
tele­pho­ne: 0043 664 314 9343, e-mail:

Your visit to my web­site is only for your information

My web­site does not use any cookies

If you get in con­tact with me, per­so­nal data will be collec­ted. The­se data will only be used for reply­ing to your request and the thus necessa­ry admi­nis­tra­ti­on. The legal basis for this data pro­ces­sing is my right to reply to your requests accord­ing to Art.6 Abs.1 lit for DSVGO. If the pur­po­se of you con­tac­ting me is to esta­blish an agree­ment, the addi­tio­nal legal basis for data pro­ces­sing is Art. 6 Abs 1 lit. DSVGO. Unless the­re is a legal obli­ga­ti­on to keep the data after the state­ment of affairs has been con­clu­ded, the­se data will be deleted.

Accord­ing to Art.6 Abs 1 lit DSVGO your data will be used the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the con­tract fur­t­her on. They can be dele­ted at any time by con­tac­ting me, the respon­si­ble per­son, via the address above.

Legi­ti­ma­ti­on of the par­ty concerned
The app­li­ca­ble law of data pro­tec­tion gua­ran­tees you to get an insight into your per­so­nal data pro­ces­sed by the par­ty respon­si­ble (right of infor­ma­ti­on and inter­ven­ti­on) as I will inform you in the following:
— acc. To par. 15 of DSVGO you are ent­it­led to get infor­med on your per­so­nal data pro­ces­sed by me, their inten­ded pur­po­se and peri­od of storage
— acc. To par. 16 of DSVGO you are ent­it­led to insist on cor­rec­tion and com­ple­ti­on of your per­so­nal data
— acc. To par. 17 of DSVGO you are ent­it­led to have your per­so­nal data dele­ted. Howe­ver, this right is not app­li­ca­ble if the data pro­ces­sing is necessa­ry to exert the right of free speech and infor­ma­ti­on, to full­fill a legal obli­ga­ti­on, on rea­sons of public inte­rest, to assert, to exert or defend legal claim
— acc. To par. 18 of DSVGO you are ent­it­led to claim restric­tion of your per­so­nal data
— acc. To par. 19 of DSVGO you are ent­it­led of consultation
— acc. To par. 77 of DSVGO you are ent­it­led of appeal