(Deutsch) TEAM Dr JOSEPH Hightech Natural Cosmetics

  • TEAM DR JOSEPH Age Repair Miracle Drops 30ml

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only avail­ab­le in Ger­man.

Dr. Hauck

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Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only avail­ab­le in Ger­man.

(Deutsch) Oceanwell

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The main sub­s­tan­ce of the beau­ty pro­ducts of Bio Mari­ne Cell Sup­port by Oce­an­well are obtai­ned from the Algae Lami­na­ria Saccharina.

Mari­ti­me cos­metics is espe­ci­al­ly sui­ta­ble for irri­ta­ted skin, it pro­tects the skin from skin patho­gens, envi­ron­men­tal and psy­cho­lo­gi­cal stress.

I have visi­ted Ocean­ba­sis, eaten alga­es, inha­led the sea, tried the pro­ducts an have been enthral­led. So I have deci­ded to enlar­ge my port­fo­lio with this programme.

Thalgo La Beauté Marine

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Sin­ce 1964 Thal­go has reco­gni­zed the bene­fits and poten­ti­al of the sea to deve­lop beau­ty pro­ducts and treatments.Working clo­se­ly with renow­ned phy­co­lo­gists, the Thal­go Rese­arch Cent­re is the undis­pu­ted expert in Mari­ne Intel­li­gence, with over 50 mari­ne active princi­ples iden­ti­fied, extrac­ted and con­cen­tra­ted in exclu­si­ve ingre­dients with unri­val­led pro­per­ties. Each Thal­go pro­duct is a genui­ne con­cen­tra­te of mari­ne effec­tiveness, crea­ted accord­ing to strin­gent stan­dards of per­for­mance, total affi­ni­ty with the skin and ulti­ma­te sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence to offer Pro­fes­sio­nal Excel­lence to every woman in the world. Crea­ted from the sea, Thal­go has a duty to mini­mi­se its eco­lo­gi­cal foot­print. Our Com­mit­ment to Natu­re is at the very core of the brand’s DNA and gui­des all sta­ges of our deve­lop­ments for Safe Beau­ty and a more beau­ti­ful natu­re. This phi­lo­so­phy posi­ti­ons Thal­go as the World Lea­der in Pro­fes­sio­nal Mari­ne Cosmetics.

Amo Como Soy

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Pro­ducts of Amo Como Soy tre­at your skin in a natu­ral, inten­se and high­ly effec­tive way.
Using the­se pro­ducts is pam­pe­ring yours­elf, get­ting clo­ser to yours­elf, beco­m­ing the best fri­end of your own.
This pro­du­ces a lot of posi­ti­ve ener­gy, it brings hap­pi­ness into your dai­ly beau­ty rou­ti­ne, it makes you proud of being unique.

Horst Kirchberger Make up

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The Make up artist Horst Kirch­ber­ger pro­vi­des Make up pro­ducts that are high in qua­li­ty, have inno­va­ti­ve tex­tures and are easy to app­ly. His collec­tions inclu­de tren­dy looks as well as basic products

With the slo­gan “10 min. to make your day” you can learn how to use the pro­ducts in a short time with a light fee­ling, to have a natu­ral look that lasts for the who­le day.



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When I was in Copen­ha­gen, I step­ped into the shop of Raz­Spa at the mar­ket hall.

The­re I found pro­ducts that are total­ly orga­nic, almost edi­ble, con­sist of only a few ingre­dients and no perfume

Mr. Raz­Spa (Eras­mus Björn Ander­sen) told me, that the “old” Vikings  tra­vel­led to Ice­land to bring vol­ca­nic ash to Den­mark for their tre­at­ments for skin and beard.

The pro­ducts help and sup­port the func­tion of the skin, e.g. sore skin, exce­ma, and pso­ria­sis and allergies.