About Me

My pro­fes­sio­nal life as a beau­ty the­ra­pist star­ted in Graz more than 30 years ago. In addi­ti­on to this qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on I pas­sed a trai­ning for medi­cal mas­sa­ge and star­ted work as a beauti­ci­an in Vien­na. I tra­vel­led abroad many times (e.g. Ger­ma­ny, Fran­ce, Eng­land, The Nether­lands, The Baha­mas, Cali­for­nia, Hawaii, Thai­land .…)to attend fur­t­her cour­ses and visit exhi­bi­ti­ons and fairs.
Howe­ver, the most important aspect in my work is the con­tact with my custo­mers. Toge­ther with the indi­vi­du­al custo­mer I want to crea­te a well­ness oasis in their dai­ly life and offer tre­at­ments which are uni­que. Come and see!


My Practice

Sin­ce Janu­ary 2020 my com­for­ta­ble, extra wide and cosy tre­at­ment chair and I moved from Schwe­den­platz to Rie­mer­gas­se .  It is easy to get the­re by under­ground, bus or tram­way, by car or also by bike.



Feel like a princess
Let your skin shine
and your body and soul swing

Besi­de a huge varie­ty of faci­al tre­at­ments I offer lympha­tic mas­sa­ge, foot reflexo­lo­gy, body wraps with algae, tre­at­ments with fruit acid and cos­metic micro need­ling, body scrubs, manicure

to com­bi­ne, enjoy, relax, cure and sup­port your body and soul.


Whene­ver I open my trea­su­re chest and reco­mend a pro­duct to my custo­mers, a sto­ry comes to my mind.….

…about algues, which are tested and mixed in creams in Roque­bru­ne in sou­thern Fran­ce whe­re I visi­ted the shop floor

…about the luxu­ry Hotel in Napa Vine Val­ley and its exclu­si­ve Spa treatment

…about the mar­ket hall in Copen­ha­gen whe­re I coin­ci­dent­ly came across a com­plet­ly new and yet tra­di­tio­nal clean­sing pro­duct when washing my hands

…about the con­gress of orga­nic cos­metics whe­re my neigh­bour at the table con­vin­ced me of her cos­metic line so I imme­diatly regis­te­red for a training 

…about pro­du­cing cho­co­la­tes with a famous Make up artist



(Deutsch) Gesichtsbehandlung mit TEAM Dr JOSEPH

  • TDRJ_Treatment 07

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only avail­ab­le in Ger­man.

(Deutsch) TEAM Dr JOSEPH Hightech Natural Cosmetics

  • TEAM DR JOSEPH Age Repair Miracle Drops 30ml

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only avail­ab­le in Ger­man.


Rie­mer­gas­se 11/6
1010 Vienna
Tel: +43 664/ 314 93 43


Mon­day, Wed­nes­day, Fri­day  9am-6pm
Wed­nes­day 10am — 1pm
Appoint­ments by arrangement