Whene­ver I open my trea­su­re chest and reco­mend a pro­duct to my custo­mers, a sto­ry comes to my mind.….

…about algues, which are tested and mixed in creams in Roque­bru­ne in sou­thern Fran­ce whe­re I visi­ted the shop floor

…about the luxu­ry Hotel in Napa Vine Val­ley and its exclu­si­ve Spa treatment

…about the mar­ket hall in Copen­ha­gen whe­re I coin­ci­dent­ly came across a com­plet­ly new and yet tra­di­tio­nal clean­sing pro­duct when washing my hands

…about the con­gress of orga­nic cos­metics whe­re my neigh­bour at the table con­vin­ced me of her cos­metic line so I imme­diatly regis­te­red for a training 

…about pro­du­cing cho­co­la­tes with a famous Make up artist