Sin­ce 1964 Thal­go has reco­gni­zed the bene­fits and poten­ti­al of the sea to deve­lop beau­ty pro­ducts and treatments.Working clo­se­ly with renow­ned phy­co­lo­gists, the Thal­go Rese­arch Cent­re is the undis­pu­ted expert in Mari­ne Intel­li­gence, with over 50 mari­ne active princi­ples iden­ti­fied, extrac­ted and con­cen­tra­ted in exclu­si­ve ingre­dients with unri­val­led pro­per­ties. Each Thal­go pro­duct is a genui­ne con­cen­tra­te of mari­ne effec­tiveness, crea­ted accord­ing to strin­gent stan­dards of per­for­mance, total affi­ni­ty with the skin and ulti­ma­te sen­so­ry expe­ri­ence to offer Pro­fes­sio­nal Excel­lence to every woman in the world. Crea­ted from the sea, Thal­go has a duty to mini­mi­se its eco­lo­gi­cal foot­print. Our Com­mit­ment to Natu­re is at the very core of the brand’s DNA and gui­des all sta­ges of our deve­lop­ments for Safe Beau­ty and a more beau­ti­ful natu­re. This phi­lo­so­phy posi­ti­ons Thal­go as the World Lea­der in Pro­fes­sio­nal Mari­ne Cosmetics.